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Directed by Daniel Charluck Garrelts/Karma Film
Actress: Tea Hartelius
Cinematographers: Daniel Charluck Garrelts & Jonathan David Damborg
Colourist: Jonathan David Damborg
Keep Breathing
Show me who you are
Tell me from the start
What makes you laugh
And what has made you sad
I can’t tell you where to go
I wouldn’t know
We’re all just young suns floating
Roaming the sky
Exploding lights
Bring what you are
Be fearless
Shout out to all hearts
The dreams, the dares, the fevers – all the scars
Keep breathing
Keep breathing in
Keep breathing
Keep breathing in
You loose yourself in perfection
Burning to be someone else
I don’t see any satisfaction
In pretty lines and flawless tells
Bring what you are
Be fearless
Shout out to all hearts
The dreams, the dares, the fevers – all the scars
Keep breathing
Keep breathing in
Keep breathing
Breathing in
Keep breathing in
Keep Breathing in
Tea and Daniel in action!
One minute baby break.
Jonathan making sure they light is perfect
Daniel with his camera
Thoughts behind the music video
Seeing that Keep Breathing is a song about comparing yourself to others, we wanted to tell a story about the battle you may have with yourself.
We see a girl walking around in a house, trying on clothes, maybe it’s hers – maybe it’s not.
The further we get into the story it shows, that something is off. Something is troubling her, but we don’t know what. She’s battling something or someone. At the same time a voice, looking down upon her, is telling her to keep breathing.
Do you compare yourself to others? and how or where do you find the strength to be just who you are??
Personally I call my best friend. She’s known me all my life and sometimes she remembers better than myself who I am and what I’m able to do.
Making music I try to focus as much as possible on the process and as little as possible on the finished product. That helps me to stay present and less critical.
I’m a creative person but sometimes get inspiration from others, my wife is also creative in art so we bounce of each other. I say my creative side came about at the age of 5, my brother was at college and left all his records at home. This for me was something new so put my first record on the turntable as the cover jumped out at me. The first ever record was a compilation album by The Doors called Weird Scenes Under A Goldmine the first song was Break on Through. So with all the amazing art on the album covers I discovers many artist who would shape my life. Music is my first love and will be with me forever.
P.S Ulla I love the song and videos your music as been an inspiration for me, and has helped me through some tough times as it lifts my spirits and has inspired me to learn more music theory to improve my own music compositions.
Kindest Regards
Sam ^___^
Hi Sam. Thanks for your comment and sharing your story. My first music experience was a cassette tape my older sister made for me with my favorite songs. The James Bond song – Golden Eye with Tina Turner, “Hjem til Århus” with Danish “På Slaget 12” and then I wanted “We Don’t Need No Education” with Pink Floyd. She got tired and left the tape recording, so I got most of “The Wall” on it as well. But not all…. listened to that tape for years?I guess it must have shaped my music making is some way or another ?
Once again absolutely stunning Ulla, brilliant music, vocals and video, once again Stunning ??
Thank you so much, Stevie. I actually want to correct myself. In the email the other day I said your vocals reminded me of Phil Collins, but I actually meant Sting. It reminds me of Police, which I have listened to a loooot!
This song is very melancholic tot me.
It genereates an undecribable feeling I used tot have often years ago, when I still played kits of music. Arnout the comparisation tot others: The one thing that makers me very happy, is to be understood in general.
For sure, I agree. Understanding each other and also trying to accept each others differences is key.
The music video is haunting and beautiful, love it
Thanks a lot, Eric. That makes me SO happy ?